Get Involved – Bridge to the future
Teen & Young Adult Services
The risks and adversities our members face amplify as they reach their teen years. Gangs, drugs, generational poverty, dropping out of school, and teen pregnancy can derail promising young lives.

We provide a broad scope of positive alternatives to our teen members which open up a world of choice and possibility.
Bridge to the Future programs include:

College-bound/APCH Shaheen Scholarship Program
To date, the program has sent more than 550 first-generation scholars to college and university. The David and Linda Shaheen Foundation is the lead funder for the program, which provides college tours, application assistance, financial aid, counseling, parent orientation, and year round support to ensure our members are successful once they get to college. The program also supports young people who choose community college or trade schools to enter the employment market sooner.
General questions regarding eligibility requirements, the application process, and/or selection timeline may be sent to [email protected].

RISE High at APCH is an innovative charter high school partnership with Da Vinci Schools, designed to support Opportunity Youth aged 14-22 who are involved in the foster care or probation systems and/or are without stable housing. At RISE, students can recover credits, obtain high school diplomas, prepare for the GED, participate in college and career readiness training, internships and extracurricular opportunities, and become leaders — all while APCH provides wraparound services that will enable them to thrive academically, socially and emotionally, and develop self-reliance.

Professional Readiness and Employment Pathways (PREP)
Offers members aged 15 and older employment coaching and practicum experiences, equipping them with key job-readiness skills and placing them in 100-hour paid internships with local businesses. Additionally, APCH offers a number of onsite internships to members.

Financial Education and Life Skills
Teaches the financial, social, health, safety, and life skills necessary to succeed in a college environment

A rites of passage program for our young women. Each week, this sisterhood meets to share openly and support one another; meet professional and inspirational women; do volunteer community service, take cultural and educational field trips, and grow together. Each Spring they are recognized at our GirlPower Awards Luncheon alongside female role models who are making a positive difference in the world.

A rites of passage program for our young men. They meet each week to share and support one another; learn what “being a man” in the 21st Century really means; meet and learn from inspirational role models; volunteer in the community; hike; master a ropes course; have fun, and bond as brothers.

L.I.F.E. Mentoring
Provides year-long formal mentoring matches for APCH teens ages 13-18 with caring adults. Our matches participate in community service projects, visit cultural events and experience fun new things together.