Who We Serve - Children, Families, & Community - A Place Called Home skip to Main Content

Who We Serve

A Place Called Home commits its resources to the young people and families of South Central Los Angeles and the community as a whole. Our holistic approach makes a deep impact and provides a platform for the next generation to pursue healthy, productive lives and to make a positive impact in their community and in the world.

APCH Littles and Middles

& Middles

Daily programs for
children ages 8-13

APCH Teens and Young Adults

Teens & Young Adults

A continuation high school & programs for teens, college students & young adults

APCH Families


Support and programs for parents, guardians and siblings

APCH Communities


Support for the greater community


A Place Called Home provides a safe, nurturing and creative environment for hundreds of youth and children ages 8-24 on a daily basis, offering them programs in arts, athletics, education, wellness, and much more.

Young people spend their after-school, weekend and summer hours at APCH completing homework with assistance and tutoring, participating in high quality classes in art, dance, theater, music, sports, and more, and building fundamental life skills through mentoring, social enterprise, and civic engagement.

Additionally, APCH supports healthy living through its three community gardens, bustling kitchen and daily fresh meal service, distribution events and onsite annual health clinics.

Kids at APCH

More than 100 different classes provided in education, arts, and well-being

Over 400 members annually participate in fitness and athletics programs

350 members and their families receive counseling services annually


A Place Called Home understands the challenges our members face as they mature through their teenage years into adulthood. We provide a robust support network they can rely on.

Year-round programming includes academic tutoring, counseling and life skills, vocational training, college preparation and scholarships, sports, art, music, nutrition and community service.

Our Teen & Young Adult Services department supports teens in realizing their academic potential, training to compete in the 21st Century economy, and building relationships with peers in a safe, constructive environment. For young people in the foster system, justice system, and without stable homes, Da Vinci RISE High and our IMPACT program work together to help young people facing the most risk to re-enter school, get counseling, and become the authors of their own lives and contributing members of their communities.

The APCH Shaheen Scholarship Program

The APCH Shaheen Scholarship Program
is focused on supporting our teen members interested in pursuing higher education. The program is primarily funded by The David and Linda Shaheen Foundation, and provides our young people with college tours, application assistance, financial aid, counseling, parent orientation, and year-round support to make sure they are successful once enrolled in college. The program also supports young people who choose community college or trade schools with the goal of entering the workforce sooner. To date, the Shaheen Scholarship Program has sent more that 400 first-generation scholars to college and university.

At APCH, 90% of our high school seniors graduate on time in a neighborhood where fewer than 60% of adults have a high school diploma

Teens at APCH

APCH teens contribute hundreds of hours annually to their community through programs like Teens Taking Action, Peer Mentoring Groups, and Service Days.


As the first and most important teachers for their children, many parents in South Central struggle against poverty and neighborhood dangers to provide a foundation of social, emotional and physical safety and well-being.

A Place Called Home understands that ‘it takes a village’ to raise healthy, self-reliant, productive children – particularly when the odds are stacked against you – and is committed to working in partnership with our members, parents and families. Parent classes are offered to enrich families’ lives, improve their health, and empower them to make positive change.

  • ESL
  • Media Literacy
  • Financial Literacy
  • Parenting a College Student
  • Parenting Skills
Family Support from APCH

I thought APCH would be a safe place for my kids after school, but it turned out to be so much more. I have a better relationship with my kids and our family is so much stronger.

– Miriam, an APCH mom


Through education, preparation and opportunity, APCH is building self-sufficiency for youth and families. Beyond our campus and daily programs and services, we have community gardens and we reach thousands through community education, distribution and volunteer events throughout the year.

Our Civics & Community Engagement classes and Teen and Parent Leadership opportunities are empowering young people and parents with an understanding of politics and Democracy, and we are educating and registering current and future voters and leaders.

We are investing in well-being, equity and bright, sustainable futures for the young people and families we serve. And, they in turn are investing in themselves and in their communities. They are attending meetings and speaking up about issues they care about, and they are taking responsibility for their own actions and intentions, locally and beyond. More and more are traveling for college and traveling the globe with a sense of confidence and purpose.

We are listening, educating, empowering, including and volunteering.

We empower the Community at APCH
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